I’m curled up in my bed, President’s Day evening, mourning the day I desired but did not get. I had plans. Dan and the kids ….
Whether you love someone or are someone with mental illness, here is information to help us get through this together.
God never intended us to pretend to be okay when we are totally not okay. We are not fine, you are not fine, I am not fine. But through the fire, there is hope, faith and peace and rest.
Are you dealing with an obstacle or an opportunity? I share with you how God has used my obstacles as opportunities and how God answered a burning question I have had about the Bible.
Fear isn’t exclusive to any one person but how we handle it makes all the difference. What does God have in plan for our fear?
No one has greater love than to give up one’s life for one’s friends. John 15:13 CEB Relationships involve work and that does not exclude ….
I have learned so much in 2019! I feel like arriving at 40 has been such an incredible experience. I am dancing a little jig ….
Finding the balance between pampering yourself to distress and managing work stress. In my mind, you and I are sitting over a cup of hot ….
I realize I said it in my title but I will say it again. Writing a book is really hard. I mean, I had no ….
Getting caught up in the relentless waves of circumstances can carry you away like a rip tide. It will not relent day in and day ….