Fear, Bravery and Faith

Fear, Bravery and Faith

I’m sitting here in my cozy chair, cuddled with my two dogs and listening to the chatter of my kids coming from the next room. I love their laughter. I revel in it.

What is on my mind today is the idea of courage in the presence of fear. I firmly believe the reoccurring message that is coming at me these days is from God. There is a fear pulsing lie that is holding me captive and He desires to be the one to set me free. That God can use me despite my fears is a common story. Its not hard to believe considering almost every single person in the Bible was afraid but trusted God and big things happened. So fear and courage go together in a beautiful messy chaotic but just right relationship that sets a stage for God to prove he chose right when he chose me to become his daughter.

The reoccurring message is showing up in my life everywhere!

First off, I am currently reading through the book of Acts. Now that is a time fear and courage were together and faith was pivotal! These amazing people began the church we know today right as Jesus ascended to Heaven. They had left their families to follow Jesus. They believed and received the Holy Spirit. Their faith just widens my eyes in total wow-ness (not a word but it is now). One truth that pulls me back to Acts to understand the role of the church is that God has called his people in to Himself and out into the world. We are called out into the world to spread the news that every man, woman and child is loved, that we are chosen, valued and wanted. We are not called into brick and mortar buildings to hide away, hanging out with each other but not the sinners left outside the doors.Our in is to press further into Him that we may go out into the world. I became a chaplain four years ago. Go out into the world God said. As is always the case, God always has more.

Not that I need an excuse to go to Target but last minute Christmas presents had my husband and I perusing the shelves on our late December date night. I found The Weekly Prayer Project by Scarlet Hiltibidal. I can’t tell which had me first, the prayer part, the project part or the clearance sticker. 30% off Target is a yes from me. I always love a good project and well prayer, duh. It is a prayer prompt. It has few words and not a whole lot of space to journal. It does however set the stage each week to focus prayer on connecting to God and His will for my life. Here is a taste of what I’m talking about in this piece of Week 3:

“The Old Testament prophet Elijah had an odd request for God, one that may have seemed impossible. Elijah wanted God to send down fire on a soaking-wet altar to show nonbelievers that He’s real. God knows your heart. When you pray for something earnestly with the desire to glorify God, He loves to respond in miraculous ways. In which seemingly impossible circumstance do you need God’s divine intervention right now?” WPP pg. 20

I have often been asked why I don’t write a book. I love writing. I really love reading. I have so many ideas about what to write. So why don’t I? In 2019, I decided to pursue that dream. Then God kept bringing all these amazing men and women in my life who are all like, “Hey Katie, I think you can achieve that dream of yours and I want to help.” Which has lead to me straight up freaking out. If you know anything about an Enneagram 2, we love to serve and are absolutely stinky at being the one being served. It is uncomfortable.

So, with the Bible, the new book, next came a kickin’ podcast. If you know me, you know I am all about podcasts. In the morning, when I exercise, in the car, when I run errands, you name it, love them! Brooke Castillo’s podcast, The Life Coach School and her episode Belief Ceilings fit right into God’s ongoing conversation with me. I was so impacted by her encouragement to be aware of beliefs I am seeing as truths when in reality they are lies. One of those for me is, “I am not capable of achieving the big ideas and wildest dreams I have.” In reality, God has given me a calling and a strong craving to see it happen. Unfortunately, I have come to believe an idea that because of things I have heard in the past or failures that appear to be evidence that I am better off in the shallow end of my calling. I have already come so far but following behind my God, He hasn’t stopped running. Neither should I. Why do I believe I cannot keep up?

I have the fear part down pretty good but what about the bravery?

I kept hearing over and over again about this book, 100 Days to Brave, Devotions for Unlocking Your Most Courageous Self by Annie F. Downs. Well, a week ago, I bought it. It was a no brainer to be honest because at this point it is pretty super obvious that I am dealing with doubt and fear. Annie begins the journey in Day 1 with the kernel of wisdom, “Brave people don’t stop hearing the whisper of fear. They hear the whispers but take action anyway.” Oh my word, is it possible that this could mean me?!!! Can I be that person facing a fear of failure to achieve my deepest dream and I do it anyway?

What is my dream? What is it that has me shaking in my cozy socks (I told you I’m in my cozy chair and who wears boots curled up under a throw blanket?) I believe every human on this planet is wanted, valued, chosen and loved by God, that he has a very good plan for all of us. I am a vessel for which God desires to spread that message. He desires joy and peace, not overworked chaos. There really is the possibility of an attainable rhythm to work-life balance, good relationships and healthy minds. There are so many tips and tools that I have been blessed by and have learned a thing or two (because of seen a thing or two… just kidding, I stole that from Farmers insurance). Seriously though, I desire so much to help others see their potential and live their lives healthy and joy filled. “How” is the scary part; my blog, my book, maybe podcasts, maybe public speaking.

I love the words of Jess Connolly in her book, You Are the Girl For the Job.

If I worked only based on what I can do well in my own strength, I’d never have children, get married, do ministry, drive a car, write books, love my neighbors, go on vacation, live on mission, serve the homeless, lead a church, start businesses, have friends, or encourage anyone. I would never live. I would never love. I would never taste abundance.” pg 25

What about you sweet friend? What are you feeling like needs to be a dedicated prayer? What is your belief that has held you captive for far to long? What is the fear that has kept your feet rooted, not participating in your race? What dream feels so scary even to speak out loud? How can I pray with you, encourage you, walk along side you in your journey.

Join me in mine. Join me on my journey of overcoming fear, not by sight but by faith. Lets choose faith in the God who chooses, wants, saves, loves us.

4 thoughts on “Fear, Bravery and Faith

  1. I pray that all of your dreams come true. I know mom would be so proud of you

  2. Dear Katie,
    You know I do not do facebook but I say a post from Dan and thought I would check it out.
    I have tears in my eyes as I write this for all GOD”S people to see. You have grown from
    a little girl into an amazing adult. I know what you have done in the past and I know it is just
    a faction of what you will do in the future as fear will be tossed out as JESUS continues to
    lead you into new paths of your incredible journey. WRITE-WRITE-WRITE!!! What you wrote
    above about you, your fears etc. shows right there your fantastic ability to share in print.
    You are your mothers daughter in so many ways and I have been blessed to have been a part
    of your life. I am so proud to be your dad.
    Love you Dear Katie,

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