Mom Edison

Here I am trying to work a “side hustle” as they say into a full time career and through it all I am still a mom. I wake early before the kids and stay up late after they go to bed. I do my own homework while they do theirs…we  do theirs. Lets be real, they are still young which means me working on my basic subtraction and multiplication. Put me out of my misery ya’ll. I was ready for toilet training and puberty. Those stages I knew about. No one warned me about home work…every…freaking…night…Lord help us survive.

I digress.

Here is why homework fits into me slaying this side hustle. Thomas Edison and I have a few things in common. We sucked at school, had amazing mothers, and proved our haters wrong. Long story short, Edison’s teacher sent him home with a note explaining he couldn’t come back to school because he was just not smart enough. His mom did the classy 1850’s version of “Hold my beer.” She homeschooled. He went on to invent electricity. Schools are named after him. We have a cool light bulb named after him. You get the picture.

Fast forward to the 1990’s and me. I do not have a school named after me.  My teacher did tell my mom I wasn’t smart enough for school. We changed schools. She didn’t tell me about this whole “not smart enough” stuff until I graduated with my undergrad. Had she lived long enough to see me finish my masters, she and I would have had a good laugh and high five. Entering another masters, “This one is for you mom.”

Mom Edison and my mom knew other people’s opinions meant nothing in the long run. So, here I am after bedtimes are done and homework is stored back in back packs. Cheers to you fellow parents rocking your dreams.

One thought on “Mom Edison

  1. That was great! I love it. We had a great mom. None of us were particularly good in school until we got to our college years. We had a wonderful mom and I miss her every day

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