Getting My Junk Together

I’m about to embark on a new masters degree to be a licensed counselor. Its something I have been wanting but didn’t think I could do. For whatever reasons I’m finally in a good place to get that dream into reality.

I recently attended an amazing event, the Empowered Woman Workshop lead by Coach Kim Holloway. There were so many amazing parts to the weekend I want to share with ya’ll. Three significant parts for me were determining my values, understanding what success looks like in my life then looking at my life areas such as work, relationships, health, personal growth and my satisfaction in each.

Sister, I’m gonna be processing this all for weeks! I am about to embark on  a whole new season of my life. It is paramount for me to be ready for this new season with the right tools to be successful and whole through the process. School is hard enough but this girl has a job and a family to maintain. I can’t be dropping the ball out of the gate! Nobody’s life, especially mine, falls into place on its own. So the workshop was exactly what I needed to equip and encourage me moving forward. I encourage you to seek Kim out on Facebook or Instagram. You will totally love her as much as I do.

Values are important primarily because when stress and sleep deprivation set in, why I do what I do matters to keep me focused. I strongly desire peace, hope and connection. That my relationship with God as a Christian provides me with these three things, I desire to support them in the lives of others. Surrounding ourselves with people that support this is important for all of us. For one, my friend Christina who took me with her to the Empowered Women Workshop. Friends that support your vision is a big deal. You can get where you want without them but the journey won’t be nearly as fun.

Having an outlet is also important. Art is my happy place to relax. I enjoyed an art class last year at The Peninsula Fine Art Center. I’m no Monet, but the passion is there. Run, paint, go to the beach, write fanfiction. Whatever your hobby or outlet is, don’t give that up.

I promise to continue sharing with you my processes to remain sane and thriving moving forward. Its gonna be awesome. Then when it isn’t I have great friends to kick my butt back to getting my homework done. Everyone needs a tribe. I love mine.