Community Makes Mundane Tasks the Most Beautiful Memories

Community Makes Mundane Tasks the Most Beautiful Memories

I seriously do not like to cook. I rather do anything else besides making four grilled cheese sandwiches at lunch or figuring out dinner every night. It urks me that dinner is every single day.

Here is the thing though. My absolute favorite memory from this past Christmas is the few hours I spent with my husband and MIL in the kitchen preparing Christmas dinner. It was absolutely the best time together. It is now my favorite memory of the three of us.

That is how real community works. I may not like actually cooking but I love taking care of my family and I love being with people so even something as mundane as water boiling or meat thawing can be a tool for memory making. It isn’t even about the activity but the power of relationships and community that infuses our lives with joy and purpose.

Community really is that powerful. It is a priceless part of living. I admit I stink at small talk but I understand that it can be a valuable aspect of relationship building. My neighbors have been what has gotten us through this past year with the pandemic. Just talking about our favorite binge worthy show or all the Bernie Sanders memes can be a joy.

Sometimes even small talk can make the most mundane tasks fun.

So my challenge today is to to not give up on community and give your time to your friendships. You won’t regret it.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:24-25