Praying a Lament
Today is Palm Sunday. leading up to it, so much as happened. I feel like there is no protocol for this right now. I feel like we are all kind of winging this right now, just trying to figure out exactly how to “social distance”, how to quarantine and how to keep our sanity not to mention the financial devastation Covid-19 pandemic is having on so many people’s lives.
I am overwhelmed. I read the extension of our social distancing to last until June 10 my Virginia Governor Northam and the blood drained from my face, I continued to process this until I sat down and just cried. My dog curled up in my lap, tucking her nose underneath my chin. Being a chaplain working with multiple companies, it absolutely slays me to not be able to be present physically with them to comfort them through this in person.
Pastor Randy of First Baptist Church in Newport News Virginia mentioned lament, a kind of prayer. A few weeks ago, I attended a Writer’s Conference in Bluefield Virginia where author and speaker, Andy Crouch shared how to pray a lament as it is shared with us in the Book of Psalms. God of course does not care about the tidiness of our prayers. He wants to hear from our hearts. This is to help us put in order our prayers for ourselves. Sometimes a sense of order is calming.
This prayer of lament has seven parts. 1.Cry out 2. Complaint 3. Affirmation of Trust 4.Petition request 5. Additional Arguments 6. rage focused at the brokenness of the world 7. assurance to God that you remain faithful regardless of the outcome
1.Cry out. What is the problem? Lets use the current situation. There is giant freaking pandemic wreaking havoc across the world. Some may disagree with me, but I don’t sugar coat my prayers to God. I don’t make my grief small to fit in someone else’s box. God wants all of it, all the messy details. He knew you before the beginning of the world, he formed you in your mother’s womb. Nothing will catch him off guard. He can’t work on your heart if you hold part of it back. So tell him, there is a giant pandemic and use whatever adjectives you are comfortable using.
2. Complaint. What is the problem with this pandemic? Well, its killing people. What is in your heart? Is it causing you financial problems? Killing people you love? Isolating you from the ones you love? One of the things I personally think is important is the need to take time to just grieve the loss of something; your general feeling of security, freedom to make certain choices through out your day, no matter how trivial or big they may seem, God wants to hear all of it.
3. Affirmation of Trust. Nothing happens that does not first pass through God’s hands. That is both comforting to me and equally an ugly truth. It begs the question why then Lord? Here is the thing though. We are not machines. We are not children of a Father who pulls the strings. God created us all the way back at the beginning with the freedom of choice. That also means consequences. He knew this and he made a plan to save us. He sent his only son to die for us that we may have an escape plan. When we are done here on earth, we will know freedom from sin and freedom from the consequence of that sin. So, I know this is temporary. I know that there is a chance to grow and learn from this. I know God is still at work. This did not catch him off guard. Find scripture that affirms your trust and affirms God’s love and power. One I love right now is, “The LORD, your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves.” Zephaniah 3:17a
4.Petition. What do you want? Tell God all of it. I can tell you I want it to end. I want no more death. I want people to take this seriously and stay home. I want people to see God’s people fighting to show his love through this by being creative and intentional. I want the Church to learn from this experience and not go back the the previous status quo. I want us to continue taking “church” outside of the brick and mortar buildings. I really want to hug my friends. I really really want to hug my friends.
5.Additional Arguments. Seriously, as you share your petitions, additional arguments will come to mind. Sometimes, God will bring them to mind for you. God wants us to pray. He commands us to pray. He is a very active participant. One that comes to my mind again is that my heart cries out for the children who are missing the safe place at school and now they are with a dangerous adult 24/7. I pray he saves them.
6. Rage focused on the brokenness of the world. No matter where this started, who, what, when, where or why. It happened. It happened because this is a broken world. Sin has degraded humanity and the world and their are consequences. I am so angry that sin exists and that means suffering. The reason this is important is to help us to focus back on the real issue and it is sin and for that, their is a cure and we are commanded to spread the good news of that cure, it is grace through the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus.
6.Assurance of faithfulness. I am reminded of Daniel’s friends.
“Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego answered and said to the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter. If that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and He will deliver us from your hand, O king. But if not, let it be known to you O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up.” Daniel 3:16-18
Paul said in Philippians, “For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. But if I live on in the flesh, this will mean fruit from my labor, yet what I shall choose I cannot tell. For I am hard pressed between the two having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better. Nevertheless to remain in the flesh is more needful for you. And being confident of this, I know that I shall remain and continue with you all for your progress and joy of faith, that your rejoicing for me may be more abundant in Jesus Christ by my coming to you again.”
These four men knew social isolation and Paul more specifically knew physical isolation. At the end of this all, I will find myself present in the arms of Jesus. Today, my God is present with me here. Someday I will be present with Him there.
That is it. That is a how to on praying a lament. This basic outline can be used now or with whatever, no matter how big or small. God lends himself to care for the sparrows. How much more will he care for you.