Intentionality in 2019


Merriam-webster defines intention:

1 : a determination to act in a certain way : RESOLVE


3  a : what one intends to do or bring about

A big discussion around my house is about being purposeful with our resources; money, time, relationships, energy, our home, our mental head space, etc. In the past, my husband and I have had a much more “go with the flow” way of doing things. This was more me being me and him in an abundance of compromise to not stress me out if we are being honest. He has grown leaps and bounds in giving up control.

Entering into 2019, that “way of life” is no longer a possibility. It does not work with our goals. Don’t get me wrong, life throws curve balls like crazy. That is a fact. What I am referring to is really big life changes that need some serious intentionality. I will start my masters to work towards my career as a professional counselor. He has started a new job. My kids have different needs that require purposeful investment in their progress and development. I feel like, for the first time in my life, that I have the capacity to be more intentional and invest in my life with discipline and energy to thrive in a way I didn’t feel I could before. I love allowing life to happen, to see what life is handing to me. This new season however requires a new set of tools and that just feels right for where we are as a family and as individuals.

That is why our title for 2019 is Intentionality. We choose to face each task with determination, preparation, intention, significance and a resolve to not quit, give up, turn back or give in. Wanting to is one thing. Execution is another. This is why I have compiled this list of five ways I want to live with Intentionality in 2019.

  1. Get up earlier: I honestly have a love affair with my bed. I hate getting out of bed. A day spent in my bed is the best day for me. So it is quite the struggle for me to hear the alarm go off at 5:30 and not snooze that intruder. However, I have decided that I want to take my passion to the next level, get the degree, be the best mom I can be and be the best writer I can be. I cannot do that if I am falling out of bed at the exact time I have to walk down the hallway and wake my kids up. I need to get up and wrap my brain around what is before me.
  2. Brain dump: I have a million things in my head grabbing at my attention at the same time. That is why I endeavor to wake at 5:30 and get those thoughts out on paper so I can be present for each moment of my day. I don’t want my children talking to me about their day or their dreams and I am still mentally battling my day’s to do list. That is not being intentionally present. If I can write it all out and make a plan then I feel more in control and I don’t need to worry about forgetting anything. I am in no way a genius at any of this. It is the habits I am working to make permanent in my life. No two people work the same. Dan loves bullet journaling. I am looking into it.
  3. I want to give my body some attention too! I love yoga but I hate running. I do however need both in my life. I have avoided it until now. I was sick these past couple of months and it was made significantly worse because I have virus induced asthma. I need to make strengthening my lungs a priority. Also, my back hurts. I really need to up my core strength. Getting older is no joke.

I share these things, not because I have aced them or I think I am the author of the next self help book to tell you how it is done. I fail over and over but I want to succeed. I have hard goals set for 2019 and I do not want to fall behind. This is me asking you to encourage me and in turn, possibly, you may find encouragement in my journey.